Thursday, July 12, 2012

When God Weeps for Greece

For those of you who were lucky enough not to have to learn Greek as a foreign language, this is a strip from the B1 Greek manual. I remembered about it and I figured it goes very well with the subject of my blog so I translated it and here it is.

This strip was a bit surprising to me mostly because Greeks are not very well known for their self irony, some have the tendency of taking themselves too seriously sometimes, but this proves beyond doubt that self irony it's not extinct just yet in Greece.

"One day, before the end of the World, God tries to give one last chance to the nations so they will change their politics. Thus, he chooses randomly three head of states in order to talk to them: The US President, The Russian President and The Greek Prime Minister.

The American President goes to God and tells Him:
- Oh My God, tell me, when will the United States become the strongest nation and will never again have problems?
- In 100 years.(says God)
(The American President starts crying)
- Why are you crying, my child?
- I would have died by then. (answers the US President)

The Russian President goes to God and asks:
- When will Russia become the strongest nation in the world?
- In 200 years.(says God)
(The Russian President starts crying)
- Why are you crying, my child?
- I would have died by then. (answers the Russian President)

The Greek Prime Minister goes also and asks God:
- My God, can I also ask you something?When will Greece become the most powerful nation on Earth?
(God starts crying)
- But, Your Sanctity, why are You crying?
- Until then even I would have died.(says God)"

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